The North Swaka and Mkushi Headwaters Protected Forests are areas of outstanding natural beauty designated to safeguard the headwaters of the Mkushi and Lunsemfwa rivers. The North Swaka Trust aims to preserve, protect and perpetuate the ecosystem in a financially sustainable manner, in partnership with the local community for the benefit of present and future generations.
The idea to protect the North Swaka Forest Reserve (NSFR) and the Mkushi Headwaters Forest Reserve (MHFR) was conceived in 2011, when it became clear that the area was under huge pressure from illegal logging, illegal mining, charcoal production, poaching and encroachment. The area holds huge importance for both large and small-scale farmers in the Chitina and Mkushi area, Mkushi Town, the subsistence farmers in the Chief’s traditional land surrounding the Forests and for the 154,534 people that live in the Mkushi District.
The NSFR and MHFR are the catchment areas for the Lunsemfwa and Mkushi Rivers which provide water for 10 000 hectares of irrigation in the Chitina and Mkushi area and the Chief’s Traditional land, which secures Zambia’s food security. The Chibefwe River, a tributary of the Lunsemfwa River, whose headwaters start in the Forest Reserve, is the only source of water for the population of 48 700 people that reside in Mkushi Town. The Lunsemfwa River also goes on to provide water for Mita Hills Dam, which is used to generate Hydro Electric power for the nation.
The forest reserve is a critical resource for this area of Zambia and the disastrous social and economic consequences that would follow if this resource is allowed to be destroyed is clear.
As a direct result, the North Swaka Trust was formed to partner with the Zambian Government in preserving this incredible natural resource. The trust has already made considerable progress:
- Provision of Conservation Farming, Compost, Finance, Silviculture and Family Training to the local communities.
- Provision of bee-keeping training, equipment and hives to provide an alternative and more stable source of income to the community.
- Development of an energy-efficient stove that can be built by hand by anyone reducing the quantity of fuel burned for cooking.
- Initiating Forestry Department Patrols to curb illegal activity within the reserve.
- Forest Reserve boundary clearing, creating employment for the local communities.
We are very excited to be collaborating with the North Swaka Trust to create two films that will shine a spotlight on the crucial work being done to protect the North Swaka Forest Reserve and champion the broader cause of forest conservation across Zambia.
The North Swaka Trust is a remarkable organization driven by their unwavering commitment to preserve ecosystems and benefit local communities. Recognizing the power of visual storytelling, we have taken on the task of capturing the passion and urgency of their conservation efforts.
The first film will showcase the North Swaka Trust’s tireless dedication in areas such as conservation farming, bee-keeping training, energy-efficient stove development, and forest patrols. We aim to document the profound impact that the trust’s work has had on both the lives of community members and the environment.
The second film will focus on the importance of preserving exisiting forest reserves. By weaving together captivating visuals, compelling narratives, and insightful interviews, we hope to ignite a sense of urgency and foster a deeper connection with the critical importance of conserving Zambia’s forests.
The North Swaka Forest Reserve is located only an hour’s drive away from our Mkushi Field office and because our volunteer film making geeks donate their time, our budget for this project is minimal and covers transport and basic supplies.
Please get in touch below if you’d like further details on this project.
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If you’d like to find out more about funding or volunteering for this project, please get in touch using the form below and we’ll get back to you!