Chitokoloki Mission has been in existence since 1914 when missionaries first settled there having travelled up the Zambezi River by barge.
In the early days the access to the site was only via the Zambezi River on barges coming from Victoria Falls and the trip would take upwards of 6 weeks. The activities of the Mission developed at different stages, it was initially active as a Teacher training school, later a radio studio was part of the Mission, then local public schools were established and later the Leprosy Colony, followed by the General Hospital.
The Missions’ goal continues to be what it was from the beginning, to share the Gospel and demonstrate the Love of God to all who come, whether it be for spiritual, emotional or physical need, to be a help and encouragement to the local Churches and individual Christians and most important is that all that is done, may be to the glory of God.
The activities of the Mission Station are many and varied, the hospital being the most demanding, but almost every day of the week there are meetings, clubs, classes and other means of Christian outreach. In addition to the 21,000 people in their immediate vicinity, statistics have shown that 65% of the patients coming to the hospital come from great distances beyond the immediate area including neighbouring countries. Vehicles arrive almost daily bringing patients from distant places for medical and surgical help.
Chitokoloki Mission is an incredible blessing both spiritually and medically, to many, many communities in this remote rural area.
Mission Geeks is supporting Chitokoloki by taking in a volunteer team of creative geeks to produce professional photography of all the aspects of the work there and subsequently create a brand new, modern website that will allow friends and supporters of the mission to keep up-to-date and in touch. The wonderful impact this place (and the dedicated people who serve there) has on the community in this vast area of Zambia is immense and we are very proud to be able to support their work!
While all the design, coding, photography, editing and production work is done by our volunteer geeks who donate their professional time, we must still raise funds to cover the logistics of getting our volunteers to and from this remote site. Please consider supporting this project! Individuals or organisations who contribute to this project will receive regular updates on project progress.
Please get in touch below if you’d like further details!
The progress indicators below keep track of how we are doing on this project.
What an inspiring place Chitokoloki Mission is! We had a fantastic project trip to the...
If you’d like to find out more about funding or volunteering for this project, please get in touch using the form below and we’ll get back to you!