/ How We Are Funded
Mission Geeks as an organisation is committed to being lean, efficient and entirely transparent and at the root of this is our decision to run on what is known as the 0% model.
This means that every single cent that is donated towards a project will be used on implementing projects – no percentage will be deducted to fund our organisational operations.
Of course we aren’t living in a land of make believe either. While Mission Geeks staff are initially working as volunteers; as we grow and take on more projects, this will have to change. To meet these costs over time, we are looking to work with strategic partners who will commit to supporting the operations of Mission Geeks financially each year. These partners would benefit from the publicity generated around our work but would also benefit from the knowledge that their annual contribution to Mission Geeks is having a hugely positive impact on the lives of people all across the continent. Their support would mean that we do not have to spend precious time researching and applying for funding each year but instead we are free to concentrate on doing what we do best.
For each project, we will raise the required funding by approaching individuals, corporations and other organisations to secure the support we need. Organisations that donate to a specific project will in return, receive a multi-media pack that includes professional photographs, video clips and writing documenting the impact their funding has had in the community we work in.
/ How We Work
We choose projects to work with based on their historical impact and accountability but we will also support anyone who is serving their community. This could be an organisation or an informal association of people or it could be an individual who is making a positive difference to the lives of those around them.
With each project or mission that we take on, we will work closely with their staff to clarify the specific hurdles preventing them from being as efficient or as effective as they could be and work out how we can leverage our resources and our network of geeks to help them solve these issues.
Once we’ve taken on the project and raised the required funding, one or more Mission Geeks volunteers will be assigned to the project to consult and support the implementation. The Mission Geeks team will then travel to the project location to document the work that needs to be done as well as the people that this work will support.
Depending on the project the team may visit again mid-way through implementation and again once the project is completed. Each visit will be used to collect audio, video and photography both to illustrate our work but also for our partners to use.
Every project partner becomes part of the Mission Geeks network and even after a project is complete, we will continue to support and monitor the impact of our work over time in order to make a detailed evaluation of the effectiveness of what we did and whether it is worth repeating elsewhere in Africa.
/ How We Are Governed
We are accountable to our Board of Trustees who ensure that we are work within our mandate and don’t stray from our vision and goals. This board is currently made up of the following people:
Founder & Executive Director
Co-Founder & Finance Director
/ Internal Fundraisers
Mission Geeks is currently staffed by volunteers so our administration costs are kept as low as possible, however we are fundraising for several internal projects that will enable us to do much, much more: