We are delighted to have completed the first stage of our Nkolonga Health Post renovation project! It’s a been a long haul but it’s made an incredible difference for the...
We are delighted to have completed the first stage of our Nkolonga Health Post renovation project! It’s a been a long haul but it’s made an incredible difference for the...
We are very excited to be heading to Chitokoloki Mission early next month. We are taking a team of volunteers to document their incredible medical and mission work in photographs...
It has been such a privilege for Mission Geeks to be able to support Nyangombe Christian Training Centre with professional photography, a documentary film on their work and a brand...
The North Swaka and Mkushi Headwaters protected forests are areas of outstanding natural beauty designated to safeguard the headwaters of the Mkushi and Lunsemfwa rivers. The trust aims to preserve,...
It has been a privilege to work with the dedicated staff at Nyangombe Christian Training Centre over the last few months on this project! We are delighted to have finished...
It's been a slow and difficult process (due to weather, covid etc.) but we are finally getting close to the end of Stage 1 of the Nkolonga Rural Health Post...
We are delighted to announce that friends of Nsobe from Cuala, Ireland have fully funded our internet access project at Nsobe Community School. Thank you very much! Click here to...