We are so thrilled our first water project in Zambia is complete and it was great to be able visit and see it for ourselves.
Thanks to Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc, Nayamba School, in rural Chisamba finally has a consistent supply of fresh, clean, safe water!
The new 8m tank stand, solar pump and storage tank supplies water to the 350+ pupils and staff at Nayamba as well as the surrounding community.
We thank Nayamba for being an outstanding project partner and again thank our volunteer geeks from GeoQuest and RidgePoint GeoConsult for their support in locating a suitable borehole location.
Finally a massive shout-out to the primary funders for this project: Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc! We could not have done this without you and we join the Nayamba community in thanking you for making this life-changing project possible!