Construction volunteer required for North Swaka Trust in Mkushi

22 February 2022 / By Gareth

The North Swaka and Mkushi Headwaters protected forests are areas of outstanding natural beauty designated to safeguard the headwaters of the Mkushi and Lunsemfwa rivers.

The trust aims to preserve, protect and perpetuate the ecosystem in a financially sustainable manner, in partnership with the local community for the benefit of present and future generations.

North Swaka Trust is looking for a volunteer with construction experience to help train and transfer skills to local Zambian builders and oversee the construction of a Community Conservation Headquarter site over a period of six months.

North Swaka Trust will cover costs of  transport, visa requirements, accommodation as well as provide a living allowance.

If  you or someone you know would be interested in exploring this further, please get in touch with the director of the trust via email on