While it’s been somewhat quiet on our website recently, we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes. We’ve recently returned from an epic project trip up to Nyangombe Christian Training Centre. The project included shooting a set of still photographs and a short film about the amazing work that NCTC does in this remote area near the Angola border, in the North West of Zambia.
We are so grateful to professional photographer Gavin Wyatt who agreed to be the volunteer “geek” for this project. We got up well before dawn in Lusaka and embarked on the 3 hour flight, dodging weather as we went.

Preflighting the aircraft in Lusaka

Beautiful views while dodging weather.

Trying to work out selfie technique and struggling!

We flew over so many beautiful, remote areas seemingly untouched by modern life.
If we’d done this journey by road it would have taken 2 days and 16+ hours of driving on terrible roads each way! We eventually landed safely at Mwinilunga airstrip and we are so grateful to Dan Rea for providing security and parking free of charge for the duration of the trip. Thank you Dan!

Tying down at Mwinilunga airstrip

Interesting road leaving the airstrip!

More interesting roads getting to Nyangombe!

Interviewing Gordon at the farm.

Interviewing Henry who has been at Nyangombe for more than 35 years!
We had a great experience photographing and filming all the incredible mission work that goes on at Nyangombe and we are looking forward to being able to share the photos and short film on their new website very soon.
This project would not have been possible without the support of:
- Ivan Haigh and a second anonymous donor who so generously provided the necessary financial support for the project trip.
- Gavin Wyatt – our volunteer geek on this project.
- Mission Flight Services – for accommodation in Lusaka.
- Niner Juliet Logistics – for aviation support.
- Dan Rea – for aircraft security and parking.
- Gordon & Sybil McKillop – for so kindly looking after us while we were at Nyangombe.