What a year 2020 has been! In hindsight, it probably wasn’t the best year to launch a charity, but in spite of the difficulties and delays we’ve faced because of the pandemic, God has been faithful and we are delighted to have survived the first few rather rocky months, ending the year with 3 projects fully funded (more on these soon)!
We are still very much at the beginning of this journey but we are so grateful to those that believe in what we are trying to do and have supported us! Thank you!
As Covid-19 cases appear to be on the rise again here in Zambia, we don’t expect this year to be any easier, at least in the short-term, but this only makes us even more determined to pursue our mission!
We have been so encouraged by support from many different individuals and organisations over the course of last year and we look forward to great partnerships in 2021 that will bring Zambians together to support our rural communities!
If you are a professional in your field and you would like to give a few days of your time to our work, please get in touch! If you know of a great project that needs our support, drop us an email!
Finally, we wish you all the very best for the year ahead and God’s blessing in all you do.